The Breed

The Poodle with its array of grooming has often been equated with Beauty and no Brains. However the poodle is exceptionally smart and rated #2 in intelligence among all canines. This breed comes in three size varieties, toy, miniature and standard. Also poodles can come in a variety of colors including white, black, cream ,apricot, red and gray, but never parti-colored (more than one color). The AKC will allow only solid colored poodles to be shown for breed standard. Poodles are hypoallergenic and have no body odor. They do not shed however they require grooming and we recommend it every 6-8 weeks. Poodles enjoy playing and entertaining their families, and love attention. They are often used in Circus acts because of their intelligence and train-ability. They keep there youthful mannerisms way into there senior years. Poodles can live up to 18 years. The poodle's general appearance should have an air of distinction and dignity. The body should be squarely built and well proportioned. The poodle should carry himself proudly and move soundly.

*For more information to read on Breed Standards of the poodle go to American Kennel Club: "The Breed Standard for Poodles".

Toy Poodle Growth Chart

We do our very best to give estimates of the puppy size at adulthood. Our estimates come from these weight charts and weight of the parents. Please keep in mind that it is an estimate and your puppy may end up being smaller than anticipated, or a little larger.

  Teacup Poodle   Tiny Toy Poodle   Toy Poodle
Age Weight in Ounces   Weight in Ounces   Weight in Ounces
Birth2.52.7533.54 4.254.555.5 66.5
Week 13.75455.56.5 7899.5 10.2511
Week 255.56.579 101112.513.5 14.516
Week 3678911 13141617.5 18.520
Week 4789.51113 15171921 2324
Week 589111315 1719.52224 2629
Week 691112.51517.5 20222427 3032
Week 7101214.51719.5 2224.52730 3335
Week 81113161921.5 24272933 3639
Week 9121517.52023 26293235 3942
Week 101316192225 28313438 4145
Week 111417212427 313437470 4549
Week 121519222530 33374145 4953
Week 131620242832 36404449 5357
Week 141722263034 39434752 5660
Week 151923283237 41465156 6165
Week 162025303439 44495459 6570
Week 172126313641 46515762 6772
Week 182228333743 48546065 7176
Week 192329343944 50565267 7277
Week 202430354146 52586470 7681
Week 212431364248 54606672 7884
Week 2225323747349 56626874 8086
Week 232533384451 57647076 8288
Week 242633394551 58657178 8490
Week 252734404652 59667279 8693
Week 262734404753 60677380 8794
18 months32 or 2 lbs40 or 2.5 lbs48 or 3 lbs56 or 3.5 lbs64 or 4 lbs 72 or 4.5 lbs80 or 5 lbs88 or 5.5 lbs96 or 6 lbs 104 or 6.5 lbs112 or 7 lbs

Important Information Concerning Hypoglycemia in Toy Poodle Puppies

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is a common problem with all toy breed puppies. Hypoglycemia is a condition where there is a sudden and extreme drop in the blood sugar level in the puppy. Hypoglycemia is common in all toy breeds puppies. The symptoms can be reversed by eating or by giving Karo syrup or pancake syrup or Nutra-cal. Veterinarians who are unfamiliar with toys often mis-diagnose the condition. It is is extremely important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and to know how to treat it. Hypoglycemia is easily treatable in the early stages but it can be fatal if allowed to progress. Many puppies are lost needlessly to hypoglycemia.

A puppy with hypoglycemia may exhibit one or more of these following symptoms:

1. The gums of a normal puppy will be bright reddish/pink....gums that are pale in places or light pink means the blood sugar levels are dropping. If the gums are white your puppy needs quick attention to avoid a hypoglycemic coma. You can administer Karo syrup on the tongue 1 CC every 15 min. until the gums return to the normal pink color (3 CC's max in the first hour).

2. Another sign that is usually seen is vomiting on an empty stomach (clear liquid or bile) or saliva (foamy at the mouth). If your pup has not eaten in awhile give it food or pancake or Karo syrup immediately.

3. Other signs include acting listless, walking unsteady, shakiness, falling over and in extreme cases laying on their side and unresponsive. This is extreme and you must pry their mouth open and give Karo syrup. Karo corn syrup, honey, sugar water or Nutra-Cal to raise the blood sugar quickly or coma and death will result. After giving the syrup you should see improvement and the pup should be alert in about 10 min. if not, repeat and give more syrup. If you see no signs of improvement and appears comatose rush to the nearest veterinarian office for glucose by injection or IV to save its life.